faculty of informatics
M.C.A  II Year II Semester (main )Examination
                                                                             SOFTWARE ENGINEERING

1.(a) Explain how 'Scale' and 'Quality and Productivity' are key challenges
in software development.
(b).What is Capability Maturity Model ? Briefly explain the key process
areas of each of these levels in the SEI CMM model.
2.(a) Explain the two key aspects of software process - Development
Process and managing the Development Process;
(b)Compare and contrast the prototyping - based development process
with the win-win spiral model of software development.
3.(a) Briefly discuss the desirable characteristics of an SRS. 8
(b) With simple example explain the component and connector view of
software architecture of given system.
4.(a) Briefly discuss how object-oriented analysis can be done. Discuss the
major steps in object-oriented analysis.
(b) Describe any two architectural styles for component and connector
5. (a) Briefly explain the concepts of 'Top-down' and 'Bottom-up' strategies
for design by using components.
(b) Bring out the importance of user interface design by explaining the
interface design activities.

6. (a) What are the various steps involved in producing an object-oriented
design ? Briefly explain.
(b) Explain the importance of critical design review as a method for
verification of detailed design.
(a) Briefly explain how 'equivalence class partitioning' and 'Boundary
value analysis' are useful Black-Box Testing approaches.
(b) With examples bring out the difference between 'Software
Re-engineering' and 'Reverse Engineering'.
8. (a) Discuss how "Mutation Testing" and "Control flow based criteria" are
useful in white-box testing.
(b) What is 'Software Maintenance' ? What are the different types of
4^ maintenance to be addressed during this phase ?
9. (a) Briefly explain the function-point analysis method for estimation.
(b) Briefly discuss the steps in "Software Configuration Management". 
10. (a) What types of automation tools are available for estimation of effort ?
Give examples to explain.
(b) Write short note on :
(i) Change Control
(ii) Status Reporting